Terms and Conditions for the LR - Best Roadways Ltd's Policies
1. The Carrier ("BEST ROADWAYS") will not receive or accept for Carriagearticles such as gold, silver, jewellery, precious stones, securities, valuable documents and other types of precious and/ or valuable goods and the staff or agents of BEST ROADWAYS are not authorized to receive or accept any such goods for carriage. If any such goods are accepted and/ booked forcarriage, inadvertently or otherwise, the carrier will be under no responsibilitywhatsoever in respect thereof.
2. BEST ROADWAYS will not accept any goods of an inflammable/ explosive/ dangerous/ damaging nature unless permitted by Government and unless properly and securely packed in accordance with existing regulations/ norms, if any. Prior to booking of such goods, the consignor shall give notice to BEST ROADWAYS and shall make a declaration as to the nature and character of such goods otherwise goods may be landed at any place en-route or be destroyed/ rendered innocuous or be dealt with as the carrier may think fit and the consignor of such goods shall be liable to BEST ROADWAYS for all loss/damage/ destruction of expenses, directly or indirectly, arising out of or resulting from terms of the booking and carriage of goods.
3. Perishable and/or fragile goods, hazardous and. Or extra hazardous goods. Liquids and all goods liable to breakage and/ or leakage will be accepted for carriage only at the risk of owners and/or Consignor(s) and/ or Consignee(s).
4 The Carrier reserves to itself the right, without assigning any reason whatsoever, to deviate from any usual or customary route(s) and carry goods by any other route(s) if deemed fit by
5. In respect of goods that have been covered by insurance from the Carrier's insurer, the insurance ceases immediately on delivery of the goods into the final warehouse and/ or store at the destination/ station named herein or at the expiry of 10 hours from the time of arrival of the conveyance at the destination whichever shall occur first. Thereafter, the goods remain entirely at the risk of owners and neither the Carrier nor its insurer(s) shall be responsible or liable for loss or damage to and/ or destruction of such goods.
6. Demurrage will be charged @ Re 1 per kg per day If delivery of goods is not taken by the consignee(s) after the expiry of 4 days from the date of arrival of goods at the destination.
7. If delivery of goods is not taken by the consignee(s) within 3 months from the time of arrival at destination the carrier reserves to itself the right to sell goods at current market price and to realize from the sale proceeds any amount due and/ or any amount which should have accrued by way of freight and/ or demurrage and/ or any other amount on account of any charges/expenditure incurred.
8. BEST ROADWAYS will not, under any circumstances, be responsible or liable for loss or damage to or destruction of goods booked and carried at owner risk or for any claim for compensation in respect of such loss, damage or destruction and the Carrier reserves to itself the right to repudiate any such claim without assigningany reason whatsoever.
9. The Carrier will not be responsible for loss or damage to or destruction of any goods arising out of or resulting from force majeure condition including but not limited to act(s) of god, act(s) of war hostilities and ware operations (whether war be declared or not), an act of public or state enemies, arrests, restrains or detainments strikes (legal & otherwise), riots and civil commotion, any unexpected and/ or unavoidable emergencies, the act(s) of thieves, robbers and dacoits, fire, heat, rain, floods, earthquake, ordinary, breakage, leakage, insufficiently of packing, the inadequacy of make or any accident however arising.

10. All claims for compensation in respect of loss/ damage to or destruction of goods carried by the carrier should be submitted to the carrier, within 15 days from the date of booking. along with the original invoice and consignee's copy. Such claims would be settled at Delhi subject to the carrier rules, regulations, and conditions of carriage.
11. We do never allow consignor(s), the consignee(s) or their representative(s), if any, along with our transportation vehicle but we may consider and allow, on request, only in a special case, a caretaker, either of the Consignor(s) or Consignee(s) to travel in the vehicle but BEST ROADWAYS LIMITED or its agent(s) or its bonafide employee(s) shall not be responsible for any damage/loss to and/ or destruction of person and property including belonging such as caretaker arising out of any accident or otherwise in the course of an at the termination of transit.
12. The officers, employees or agents of the carrier are not authorized to alter/override/deduce/dilute the effect of or to negate or to commit/omit any act contrary to any of the above conditions.
13. The Carrier shall have the right to withhold and detain goods at the risk of the Consignor(s) and/or Consignee(s) jointly and severally until the freight and other charges thereon are paid to the Carrier.
14. All above conditions are subject to contracts/agreements entered with the Consignor/Consignee as the case may be.
15. All types of disputes arising out of this Consignment shall be entertained and tried only by the appropriate courts of New Delhi.
16. It is obligatory on the part of the Consignor, Consignee to declare their GET/SGST/IGST/UTGST CGST/SGST/IGST/UTGST Registration Number and their Registration Number under CGST/SGST/IGST/UT & Customs Act, including PAN No. Issued by Govt. of India. If any consignment is detained for want of this information, the Consignor/Consignee will be solely liable for all consequences whatsoever financially or otherwise.
17. In any matter relating to CGST/SGST/IGST/UTGST, the responsibility solely and squarely lies with the Consignor/ Consignee and the Transport Operator shall in no way be liable, accountable, or penalized for the same.
18. Payment of Transportation freight has to be paid to the transporter immediately after the commencement of work. In the event of default, a finance charge of 18% p.a. will be charged on all unpaid bills from the due date or otherwise explicitly and mutually agreed in writing.
19. The Transport do not guarantee delivery within any specified time and they shall not be liable for any delay or detention in transport or delivery due to any unavoidable reason such as insufficiency of cargo for a particular station, non-availability of trucks with valid national permits, breakdown en route, disruption or closure of route for traffic undue risk involved or other operational reasons beyond control.